Thank you for purchasing your NuPower replacement high capacity
Lithium-Ion battery from Newer Technology!

This procedure applies to all Newer Technology batteries, standard or extended capacity. Some batteries will report a higher or lower capacity than is represented here; this information is provided to properly condition and perform the initial charge on the entire line of Newer Technology NuPower batteries.

Upon receipt of your new NewerTech NuPower high-capacity PowerBook battery from OWC, you will need to properly condition it in your laptop before it will charge to full capacity. Apple has a Knowledgebase document describing this procedure.

We have conducted a test of this procedure and found the following results using Jeremy Kezer's shareware utility called XBattery. When we initially installed the battery, it was fully discharged.

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Fully charge using the AC adapter for the Powerbook overnight. We highly recommend allowing the initial charge to be 12 hours, no matter what the internal percentage of charge shows. This will extend the life of the battery to it's maximum. When the initial charging is completed, the Xbattery utility will show a capacity of 5.400 Ah, and a Charge of 5.400 Ah. This is perfectly normal for the first charge, even though the batteries are sold as high capacity.

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Unplug the power from the Powerbook, and allow it to run until it has drained the battery completely. This took a little over 4 hours with all energy saver settings turned off with no usage. You may accelerate the process by playing music CDs from the internal drive, and running applications to boost processor and hard disk usage. Playing a song in iTunes with full visuals turned on is a good way of draining the battery.

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Once the computer has fully discharged and will no longer wake from sleep, Plug in the Power adapter, and allow it to fully charge again, this will take several hours. Once fully charged (when XBattery reports the battery at 100% charge), the battery Capacity will show an increase to approximately 6.801 Ah, and the Charge to be 6.801 Ah. We sell this battery as a 6600mAh battery, which would equal a Capacity of 6.600 Ah in Xbattery. This battery was able to charge a bit over it's rated capacity.

Please remember the unit represented here is an extended capacity battery, designed for the PowerBook G3 "Lombard" and "Pismo" systems. Other batteries in the NewerTech NuPower family have different capacities and will report different mAh amounts than shown here.

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This last picture shows the XBattery graph of the entire process as just described.

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If you think you are having problems with your battery and believe it is not charging fully, please repeat this process a minimum of 5 complete cycles. Conditioning the battery in this way will extend it's life, and we do require these steps to be performed before authorizing a return.