Data Doubler for Mac mini 2011-2012

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Alternate Drive Bay Instructions

Attention!! Important!!

The spare drive bay in some 2012 Mac mini systems are in a different location than what is depicted in our standard installation video and Installation Guide for this product. If your Mac mini is one of these, you need to follow a slightly different set of installation instructions and will need additional components.

To verify that your Mac mini uses the alternate drive location, open a Finder window in OS X and navigate to Applications > Utilities, then launch Disk Utility. Click the icon at the left-edge of the window which represents the physical drive in your Mac. Depending on the version of OS X you have, the bottom of the window will show a “Connection ID” or “Type and Location” field. If this field lists the location of your drive as “Upper” then you will need the additional components.

To obtain these components, please use the numbers provided below to contact customer support. The required kit includes a wrench and two drive mounting pegs. These are needed only for the alternate drive bay configuration.

To complete the steps for this configuration, please refer to the Installation Guide. Follow the steps from the beginning, then at Step 6, stop and begin following the steps below (they require some back-and-forth between the two documents).

  1. Step 6 of the Disassembly section shows removal of two Torx T8 screws that secure the drive to the Airport antenna plate. These will stay connected to the Airport antenna plate until later, as seen in the video.
  2. Continue to follow the “Disassembly” steps in the manual through Step 14.
  3. Refer to the video for preparing the Data Doubler SATA cable and installing the drive pegs.
  4. Skip ahead to Step 30 in the “Reassembly” section of the Installation Guide.

Note: If you prefer video, please visit OWC Install Videos then find the “Mac mini Mid 2012” grouping. Click the “VIew All” link, then choose the “OWC Data Doubler (addendum for 2012 mini with stock drive in upper bay)” video.

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