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WOODSTOCK, IL – February 5, 2020 – OWC®, a leading zero emissions Mac and PC technology company and one of the world’s most respected manufacturers of hard drives, SSDs, Mac & PC docking solutions and performance upgrade kits, has confirmed compatibility and is offering up to 1.5TB memory for the 24-core and 28-core Mac Pro 2019 and up to 1.0TB of OWC memory for 8-, 12- and 16-core machines vs. Apple factory offered with up to 768GB. OWC is proud to be the go-to for memory upgrades, who has sold thousands of kits for the Mac Pro 2019 since it was released and is now offering memory upgrades for the 2019 Mac Pro Rack.
The 2019 Mac Pro Rack system differs from the Mac Pro Tower within the case itself. The rack system forgoes wheels or stands found on the tower model in favor of stainless steel rails that allow the Mac Pro to be mounted horizontally in server racks. There are also handles on the front for easy removal from the racks. The Mac Pro Rack system is designed for use as a server, to be included in render farms or for other professional uses.
OWC is offering new Mac Pro owners extraordinary savings over factory upgrade prices. Users can save up to 65% on memory upgrades through OWC’s Memory trade-in rebate program. Purchasing the base model of the new Mac Pro and upgrading with memory from OWC allows users to max out their new machines to boost performance levels, work with larger files, speed up render times and more, at incredible cost savings.
Sizes and availability:Add-in upgrade options:
OWC wants customers to get the best experience possible from the new Mac Pro, and recommends the following add-in upgrade options based upon the Apple factory purchase:
OWC Memory for the new 2019 Mac Pro Rack system is available now on MacSales.com.
About OWC
Other World Computing (OWC), founded in 1988, is dedicated to helping Mac and PC enthusiasts do more and reach higher. OWC creates and delivers the best storage, connectivity, software and expansion solutions for performance, reliability and longevity to enhance, accelerate and extend the capabilities of technology. We believe in sustainability and OWC solutions are truly built to last, go the distance, and enable users to maximize the technology investment they have already made. True sustainability is good business – maximizing existing hardware vs. starting over or needing to replace saves time, money and benefits the environment and resources we all share. OWC’s operation provides leadership in business sustainability, with our headquarters among the first in the world awarded LEED Platinum Certification and running as a net provider of renewable wind and solar energy to the local power grid. OWC features an award-winning technical support team as well as an unparalleled library of step-by-step DIY and informational videos. From the home desktop to the enterprise rack, to the audio recording studio to the motion picture set and beyond, there should be no compromise, and that is why OWC is here.