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Blizzard of 2011 Photos From Woodstock IL

(click to enlarge)

The official count says approximately 20 inches of snow fell across the Chicagoland area from the “snowpocalypse” that raged with even lightning at times from Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.

However, out here in Woodstock, though, we set the record total for the greater Chicago area with 21.1 inches.

But, if you are familiar with our wide open farm fields and picturesque country roads, there were many locations that had snow drifts close to 10 feet tall.

All considered though, things could have been worse. While some of us are still attempting to dig out of driveways and homes, many other loyal OWC staffers managed to brave the elements and be there for our customers beginning late Wednesday night.

As we kept in touch with each other via email and iChat, pictures showing the situation started circulating. Here’s a small gallery from the OWC team of the storm’s aftermath:

[nggallery id=5]

Rocket Yard Contributor
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  • Thanks Mike! I’m glad it’s apparent that we all had fun with it. We were able to take it all in good humor because we were all safe and with our families and at the end of the day that’s all you need to brave any storm! It really let us all relax and take it as it came.

    I’ve worked for a lot of companies and OWC impressed me with quickly the decision was made to get everyone home safe. Giving us leave to send our reps home before the worst of the storm hit says a lot!! Everyone made it home safe, we even only had one single car of our 100+ employees that needed help out of a snow drift!

    And I can attest that it was a scary drive home! I lived in Ottawa, ON for 10 years and I have never seen a white out that bad! So not only do we have some great products and industry leading service representatives, we’ve got some impressive drivers! ;)

    Thanks for sharing everyone’s pics! Will be fun to re-live once spring has sprung and we’re finally warm again! :D

  • Grant, I gave Topher a lot of training before letting him go solo… fortunately there was enough snow to practice with.

    Agreed that it could have been worse had it been wet and heavier. Also, I’d take the 2 ft of snow over these subzero temps.

  • Those pictures are AMAZING! I live in Ohio, and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some global warming this winter!

    • Those are great shots Al. What I really like is the video of Topher working the blower…smart boy…realizes back off the power drive so the engine doesn’t bog down. Yeah….even the big blowers have trouble with nearly two feet of snow. Biggest blessing was that this wasn’t lake effect and wet…man…that would have broken backs!