Web 3

Samantha Tauber, Alias VNCCII, in the Heart of the Metaverse

Samantha Tauber , a singer/song/writer, technology expert, and multi-media performance artist better known worldwide as her avatar, VNCCII!, speaks with OWC RADiO Host, Cirina Catania, and deconstructs her amazing career in another metaverse. So, stop what you are doing, take a break and listen in to this revolutionary force in the creative world. This is a…

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Entertainmint’s A J Salmen, Distribute your Film and Share in the Revenue

AJ Salmen is the Co-Founder of Entertainmint, a Web 3 solution for creatives that gives us a fair share of the revenue using a totally transparent business model, far removed from what we may have experienced in the past. A J is a producer, writer, and entrepreneur currently focusing on helping story tellers achieve success….

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