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Be Fair to Yourself

It comes down to a matter of what is right and wrong. At least, when I was a child, and the world worked in pure black and white, with no shades of grey, fairness was everything. If one child cried, “That’s not fair!” people would take note. Fairness was everything.

As an adult, fairness has many different meanings, and many shades of grey. It’s not fair to take something that does not belong to you, unless it’s taxes. And then, how much is a fair amount? Who decides?

The most common type of fairness I see comes from personal lives. “I worked for two hours on that report, and saved it every five minutes. But my hard drive just died, and my report is gone! That’s not fair, I did the work!” Does this sound familiar to you?

When your personal sense of fairness is breached, it hurts all the more. In the above case, yes, the person did the work, and diligently saved their document every five minutes. (Probably a Windows 95 user who is used to the computer crashing every seven minutes.) But today, with the price of external hard drives way down, and the size of storage capacity way up, there really is almost no reason to ever lose your document, and more importantly, the hours you spent working on it.

Newer Technology, for instance, just released the Guardian MAXimus mini, or GMAX mini if you will, which is a bus powered, 1.5 pound RAID system starting at $249.99. Small, lightweight, shock resistant, and not needing an AC adapter, the GMAX mini is a perfect backup solution for the computer user on the go.

Some may ask, “why not use any bus powered external hard drive with my laptop to protect data?” The problem there is simple: the document, or files, are still only on one hard drive. If that external hard drive conks out on you, what then? The data is still lost, or at least anything that has changed since the last backup of that hard drive. And if you are on the road, that could have been days ago.

The Guardian MAXimus mini, on the other hand, actually has TWO hard drives inside its small, sleek interior. As you work with the GMAX mini, its second hard drive is constantly backing up (mirroring) the data on the first drive. Thus, if one drive fails, you still have a copy of your work! (Or you may have lost a few minutes, tops, since your last save)

Being fair to others is both moral and correct, but being fair to yourself is equally so.
Be fair to yourself, pick up a Guardian MAXimus mini today, and stop worrying about losing your data.
It’s the right, and fair, thing to do.
Rocket Yard Contributor
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