Earth Day is one of the most cherished days on the calendar here at OWC. That’s because it gives us a chance to celebrate many of the foundational values of our company.
Every day here at OWC we aim to create sustainable, long-lasting, and performant solutions. We see each and every purchase of one of our products as an investment—and we don’t take that investment lightly. We create products with an aim of solving problems and helping you take the hours back, but we also seek to design things—and provide support for those solutions—that do their job for years and years; things that are meant to stay out of landfills.
But we don’t just focus on new solutions. In fact, our business was built on supporting the Mac with solutions that extend the life and usefulness of Apple computers. That work continues today with options to recycle, trade-in, and buy used Macs here at OWC. Thanks to the introduction of Apple’s M-Series chips, Mac are retaining their value and performance more than ever before. Buying a used Mac is a great way to buy a long-lasting and extremely fast computer while saving a ton of money. Click here for more details). You can check out our deals on used Macs here, and get a trade-in offer for your current Mac right here.
And like any business, when we do our job correctly, we generate value for our customers and thus revenue so that we can keep generating that value. But we don’t just invest this money back into the business, we think it’s extremely important to invest back into the beautiful planet we call home.
Part of that investment goes into creative projects like Kiss the Ground, a documentary that extolls the virtues of soil regenerative practices. As we said in a previous post on the importance of soil regeneration, better soil means better life and a better planet. These practices can even help reverse greenhouse gas accumulation and global warming.
But OWC also invests in making our operations more sustainable as well. OWC recycles 97% percent of its solid waste materials and in 2010, received LEED® Platinum Certification from the Green Building Certification Institute. Thanks to these improvements, in addition to the installation of an on-site wind turbine and solar array, in 2015, OWC reached its goal of generating more power than consumed.
On Earth Day and every day, OWC is fully committed to practicing and spreading the word about sustainable practices. Happy Earth Day!