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OWC Chris S.

OWC Chris S.
364 posts

You like us! You really like us!!!

Remember a couple of weeks back, when we asked you to vote for OWC in the “Meet me at CES” video contest? Well, voting wrapped up last Friday and the results are in: We’re one of the winners! As you...

iPad released in 11 more countries – OWC already there.

In case you didn’t know, the iPad’s reach extended a little bit further yesterday. Now folks in several Scandinavian, European, and Eastern Asian countries can get their iPad on, as Apple has released the device in the following countries: Czech...

It’s like getting stuff for (almost) free…

It’s the day after Thanksgiving here in the US, which means that since early this morning, it’s been a nonstop barrage of pushing, shoving, screaming, and at least one case of eye gouging - and that was just the line...

DIY with OWC!

When you think about it, much of what we do here at OWC focuses on DIY. We’ve got memory, hard drives and other components that you can Do It Yourself and install into your computer; and even provide video instructions...

Apple and Apple show that All You Need is Love (and $150)

Remember that announcement that appeared on Apple’s Web site Yesterday? It purported to be a day that we would “never forget.” I Should Have Known Better than to think that it would be something regarding iOS 4; I guess we’ll...

Something New From Apple?

If you’ve been to Apple’s Web site or have opened the Store in iTunes this morning, you probably noticed the announcement for an event for tomorrow - and it promises to be something that we’ll “never forget.” Marketing hyperbole aside,...

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