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Search Results for: macOS

The Rules of Upgrading Rarely Change

About a year ago, OWC CEO Larry O’Connor had this to say in his Tips and Deals Newsletter: “It's fun to talk about the 'latest and greatest' - but certainly not practical to buy that new top of the line...

Crib notes for Safari 4.

Sometimes, when I feel the urge to tinker, I poke around the various “resource bundles” of applications on my Mac. Its not always a smart thing to do (which is why I always work on a copy) and very often,...


Every once in a while, my day-to-day computing adventures manage to coincide with something that’s reverberating through the Macintosh Community at large. This last week was just such an example. Over the last week or so, there have been a...

Don’t throw out that PPC Mac…

Snow Leopard is coming and with it will be a major streamlining of the whole code base. This is a bit of a mixed blessing. This streamlining (and the addition of a number of new technologies) will allow for a...

The Clone Wars

Let’s face it, the main reason for the ubiquity of Windows in the workplace is not due to any superior user interface or stability, it's due to the cheap initial cost. It costs less to purchase a generic Windows box...

Use your keyboard to speed up your work flow.

No matter how often you use a computer, you never really know everything. Sure, you may have the basics down and may be amazingly efficient in your day-to-day applications, but there’s always that one thing that could, over time, speed...

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