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Search Results for: First Look Video

Mac Game Review: Welcome to the Big League

While I have finally uncovered my iPhone 3GS from my pile of miscellaneous electronics, I’ve decided to do another Mac game review. Why? Because while I do dedicate a lot of time to the games I review for the OWC...

Taming Common Demons That Can ‘Possess’ Your Mac

A lot of weird things happen around Halloween. And not just your pumpkins disappearing or fresh eggs magically appearing splattered on your front door. Weird things can happen to *gasp* … your computer. We know, we know… weird things can...

Apple Unveils ‘A Lot’ At Today’s Special Event

Apple announced about a week ago that they still had “a lot” to cover with today’s special event. And they weren’t kidding. Plenty of new hardware was unveiled alongside new software with OS X Mavericks, and iLife and iWork updates....

Where Are The Macs? Will All Be Revealed On October 22?

The MacBook Airs are currently the most advanced portable Macs that Apple is shipping. Utilizing the latest, energy-efficient, high-performance Intel Haswell CPU coupled with PCIe flash (SSD) storage, these units are a leap above every other model Apple currently offers...

Fire At Chip Production Plant Creates Memory Shortage

A fire that occurred recently at the SK Hynix DRAM production plant in Wuxi, China, caused a disruption in the plant’s production of memory chips. Fortunately, it looks like no one was seriously injured during the fire. However, whenever there is a problem at a DRAM production...

Birdies With Friends

I think I’ve mentioned quite a bit on this blog that my main cup of tea is a good solid hack and slash RPG. If its got tons of loot and bosses galore, I’m in. But once in a while...

Identity Crisis In Game Form

So after spending about 15 minutes trying to get the game to load, I finally dived into another of the temporarily free titles from the anniversary post, Infinity Blade II. I have to admit, the trouble I was having with getting the...

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