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Search Results for: activity monitor

lock and key with password protection

Unique and Free Way to Securely Manage Passwords on Your Mac

Your Mac has all the necessary apps to make a secure, free password manager – one that’s easy to use and maintain. Being able to “copy and paste” and “cut and paste” was all I needed to build my own secure password manager. I have tried several password manager apps and found them lacking in several areas. They don’t work the same way for each site. One used multiple copy and paste efforts just to work, and another was hacked – it could happen again!

Picture of a man siting at the litchen table working

What You Need (And Need to Know) to Work From Home Successfully

I'm working from home today. It doesn't have anything to do with the coronavirus; it just so happens that I wasn't planning on going into the office. But it is becoming evident that more and more people are going to be working from home in the coming days and weeks. And that is a good thing because of the rapidly developing concerns regarding the viral outbreak we are all having to deal with right now. Perhaps you have been asked to work from home, or you are wise to self-quarantine for a while. If so, let's talk about what that may look like and what you will need—and need to know—to be successful.

Deeper Dive: Dissecting Apple’s WWDC 2019 Keynote Address

After 35 years of following Apple and 33 years of writing about the company, it's sometimes difficult for me to get excited about "yet another keynote address". Monday's WWDC 2019 keynote was like a breath of fresh air, with announcements...


WWDC 2019: What to Expect from Monday’s Keynote

Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) takes place next week at the McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, California. Between Monday, June 3 and Friday, June 7, thousands of developers attend workshops, chat with Apple engineers and their peers, and hone...

Finding and Banishing Problematic Apps on iOS Devices

Having a bad app or two on your iOS device can really affect your relationship with your iPhone or iPad. If an app is poorly written or buggy, it can reduce battery life, take up more local storage than necessary,...

What to Do When Your Mac Won’t Power Up At All

You just turned on your Mac and all you see is a dark display. That's OK; you know it can sometimes take a little while for your Mac to boot up. But after a minute or two, you start to...

What Secrets Does Your Browser Know (and Reveal) About You?

Your browser is generally a tattletale, willing to divulge many secrets it knows about you or can find out, just for the asking. It's not really the browser's fault; that's just how most browsers are made. We'll show you how...

The WWDC 2017 Keynote: Solid Predictions and Wild Guesses

On Monday, June 5, 2017, Apple is hosting its annual keynote address to kick off the Worldwide Developers Conference -- WWDC. This event gets a lot of attention from Apple fans, shareholders, developers, and those in the press, as it clarifies the...

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