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Tag Archives: Finder

Mac option key glyph with text saying "It's an option"

It’s an Option: Hidden Mac Features

If you enjoy discovering hidden features of your Mac, then it’s a good idea to get acquainted with the Option key. The Option key is like that special book in a library that, when moved, causes a secret door to swing open. In this case, the secret that is revealed is a Mac feature that is hidden from most users.

Finder Tag menu on a mac

How to Use Finder Tags in macOS Catalina

macOS includes a "Tags" feature that offers a convenient way to organize your files. Whether they are on your Mac or in iCloud, you can find them with a click. This is how you create them...

Purple mac smart folder icon with yellow lightbulb on light purple background

Smarter Smart Folders

Smart Folders have been around in one form or another since OS X Tiger. For a while, the Finder’s sidebar included a dedicated Search For section, with predefined Smart Folders that displayed apps and documents you used "Today," "Yesterday," or "Past Week." There were also Search For entries for "All Images," "All Movies," and "All Documents." These smart searches were a popular feature and served as an introduction to what Smart Folders could do. Now it's time to dig a little deeper and discover some of our favorite saved searches.

Mac PDF icon with magnifying glass on a transparent background

How to Use 🔎 Quick Look in macOS (Leopard and Later)

macOS Quick Look is a wonderful feature. Introduced on June 11, 2007, along with Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Quick Look can preview files such as Pages, Keynote, Numbers, Microsoft Office, PDFs, HTML, QuickTime readable media, plain text, and RTF text documents, and RAW camera images.

macOS Finder logo with Tips logo

10 Fantastic Mac Finder Tips

They may not all be fantastic, but these 10 Finder tips can help you become a master of Finder finesse. The Finder, of course, is the main way you find, organize, and make use of files on your Mac. These...

iCloud icon on a Mac Dock

How to Add iCloud Drive to the macOS Dock

I don’t know about you, but I use Apple’s iCloud Drive a lot. Subscribing to a full 2TB of storage for my wife and me, we store everything out there — scanned documents, all of our photos, you name it. On the iPhone and iPad, there’s a Files app that gives you one-tap access to iCloud Drive and any other local files or cloud services, but there’s no such app for Mac. In this short article, I’ll show you how easy it is to add an iCloud Drive Button to the macOS Dock for one-click access to your content in the cloud.

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