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How to Choose the Best External Hard Drive For Your Needs

These days, just about everyone can benefit from external storage. But because the range of needs includes everyone from professionals working with terabytes of data all the way down to people who simply need a backup of their home system, there are a lot of options to choose from. So how do you choose? Here at OWC we specialize in purpose-built storage solutions. So in this video we take you through all the options and how they can benefit your workflow. 

A list of each recommended drive is below the video.

High Capacity/Lower Speed

High Speed/Lower Capacity

High Speed/High Capacity

OWC Wayne G
the authorOWC Wayne G
Tech lover, multimedia creator, and marketing manager for OWC's Rocket Yard and Mission Control blogs.
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  • Wayne,
    A most timely presentation.With the bankruptcy of Drobo and its parent, and the fact that Drobo will not support upcoming Ventura, what would be your recommendation for a T3 or T4 replacement? It would have to be a RAID format with hot swappable, not-identical drives. In fact, if you have a solution, you should market it as such.

    • Hi Harold. Our current line up offers a number of Thunderbolt 3 options, the Thunderbay line would probably be the choice for you. The drives are hot swappable, and you can use drives of varying capacities, just keeping in mind that within each RAID array you create, having mismatched capacities could leave you with wasted drive space. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns.

  • Is there any storage device that is plug & play & does not need to use Softraid?
    I have had a lot of problems using Softraid with two (2) 2019 MacPro desktop
    computers. Thank you for your response. Gloria Messer.

    • Hi Gloria. We do have options available that do not require the use of SoftRAID, but what would be appropriate for you will be based on a few factors, like how much storage space you need, if you need it to back itself up automatically, etc. I would recommend speaking with one of our customer experience representatives, they would be happy to go over your options! Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns.

  • Drobo is dead as a company and will become obsolete on the next OS X major update.

    So, I bought some ThunderBay8s and Thunderbay4s and they are fine for workstations…. but I was surprised to find that they do not work for TimeMachine (this tried to reformat the Softraid 4-disk volume and hangs, even on 64-bit stripe size). This is a problem, to say the least. Is the software issue on Apple’s side? Now, what am I supposed to do? OWC… can you work around Apple’s issues?

    • Hi Andrew, great question! We have noticed an uptick in issues with the Thunderbays working as a Time Machine storage point since Monterey released. It is something we are researching, but at this time do not have an ETA on. Prior to Monterey, we didn’t see the same issues, so if you are currently running an OS lower, I would recommend reaching out to our support team for assistance! Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions, comments, or concerns.