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OWC Chris S.

OWC Chris S.
364 posts

Have Multiple Backups for Extra Protection

We talk a lot about backups on the OWC Blog, but that’s just because they’re so important. After all, your irreplaceable data is just that: irreplaceable. If you lose it, it’s difficult and/or expensive to get it back... and even...

Apple Extends iMac Hard Drive Replacement Program

A while back, Apple announced a replacement program for iMacs with a Seagate 1TB hard drive that shipped in mid-2011. Theses drives were prone to failure, so the program was set up to facilitate getting a properly-working replacement installed in...

Microsoft Webmail Change May Inadvertently Miss Desired Email

Earlier this week, Microsoft unveiled, its revamped Webmail interface, replacing its former MSN and Hotmail offerings. While will work with Hotmail and MSN addresses, Microsoft is offering an option to change your address over to, an option...

SoundBunny Makes Your Audio Options Multiply Like Rabbits

Last week, we announced a promotion where we’re offering a copy of Prosoft Engineering’s SoundBunny audio control software free with any order over $100, or for 99¢ with any other item on the same order. That’s great and everything (because,...

Update on Software Update

It turns out that Apple wasn’t content to simply release iOS 6 yesterday; Many OS X users were treated to updates as well. Granted, many of these updates added more interoperability with iOS 6, but each of these updates also...


iOS 6 Sails Into Port Today! Arrrrr!

Avast, ye mateys! Heave your Software Update to port and prepare to board; for today isn’t just International Talk Like a Pirate Day, it also be the day that Apple unleashes iOS 6 upon us all. Now fetch me some...

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