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OWC web site on iPad

Two Years of iPad

My how time flies; it’s already been two years since the iPad was originally released, and what a ride it has been. I remember the storm of rumors around it beforehand, and when it was first announced, it was panned by critics as...

Will Apple’s Retina Display make it to MacBooks?

Apple’s third generation iPad announcement came with a lot of upgrades, but due to most of the announcements being leaked out long before showtime, there were few surprises. The least surprising was the long-rumored Retina display, which makes it easy to...

Time Machine to the Rescue

Apple released an awesome backup feature called Time Machine back in 2007 when OS X 10.5 Leopard was introduced. Why? Essentially Apple spent the decade building awesome computers in the digital life concept of music, photos, and movies. Apple likely...

Mountain Lion. Seems cool to me.

From my quick assessment perusing popular online forums, Apple’s announcement last Thursday of the next version of OS X, Mountain Lion, has struck a nerve with some people among the Mac faithful. If you’ve listened to the OWC Radio Podcast,...

Will The Internet Separate?

The Internet has been a relatively unregulated zone of international freedom the entire time it’s been used by the general public. In America, we take this freedom for granted as the Internet has always been that way, we invented it,...

Grado SR60

Hear Your iDevices’ Full Potential

Little known and less often written about is the sound quality that the iPhone 4, iPad, and the latest iPod touch are capable of outputting. Apple must’ve upgraded something in the hardware or software design because these iDevices can output...

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