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OWC Michael

Arrr, Me Matey! There Be Plenty of Plunder for All!

Avast Ye and a hearty Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day to ya! And with the pirate theme today check out our specials and clearance listin's with prices so low you will practically be stealin' t' booty from us. Just...

Use your AppleTalk printer with Snow Leopard – UPDATE

It is true that Apple has dropped the AppleTalk LAN protocols as part of the trimming done in 10.6 Snow Leopard.  It doesn't necessarily mean its time to throw out that legacy LaserJet printer that had its printer queue setup...

Snow Leopard Released Today – Preliminary Testing Shows: This cat is fast!

Apple's latest and greatest operating system Mac OS X Snow Leopard hit the shelves this morning and the optimization on the back end is absolutely incredible. Now that the official version is in our hot little hands, we'll be hard at work here at the OWC labs testing and benchmarking all the compatible machines.

What good is the MacBook Pro SD card slot anyway?

While there has been quite a debate over Apple's decision to provide an SD card slot rather than an ExpressCard slot on the MacBook Pro 13" and 15" models, the fact of the matter remains that these machines are available...

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