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Opinion articles

2009 – The OWC Year in Review

The end of 2009 is upon us.  In a few short hours we'll be counting down to the new year with family and friends and it just seems appropriate to look back upon the last year with a little nostalgia. It's amazing how far we've come. 2009 brought with it a new look and organization to the website. We...

Apple Tablet Just A Touch Too Much?

Nothing like an impending Apple announcement to get multitudes - from the casual observer to the rabid supporter - talking about it. And hey, since we fall somewhere in that range, it was time for us to weigh in with...

Make sure your backup strategy is protecting you.

We talk a lot about backing up around here; I'd say it has been the third-most popular topic here on the OWC Blog, behind memory upgrades and price specials. In fact, OWC Mike H. posted a piece about backing up...

How to add a Globally Recognized Avatar to your email address.

You've probably noticed that while many OWC blog posters and followers have a picture or some other avatar associated with their name, others just have a blank silhouette head next to their names. Have you been wondering how to personalize...

Become a Backup Evangelist

Computers do more than just connect people to the Internet cloud of web pages, e-mail, faces of book, and the birds of Twitter. Digital devices like iPods and digital cameras changed how we all listen to music, watch video, take...

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