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Adventures in creating an OctoCore Mac Pro – Part 1

Considerations in Application of a GeoThermal Heat Exchange for Environmental Comfort Following the Upgrade of a MacPro1,1 with Two Over-Clocked Intel X5350 Engineering Samples that Necessitated the Addition of a Water Cooling System or “How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Intel” By Robert Bruce Campbell, DO Background It was the 2010 Texas Class 5A Division 1 High School...

Apple Loses in Nokia Patent Dispute, But Do They Win Overall?

In late 2009, cell phone manufacturer Nokia filed a claim against Apple claiming that the iPhone infringed on ten of Nokia’s patents. Over time, countersuits between the two companies expanded the disputed claims to 75 different patents in multiple countries....

Apple Proposes New Campus in Cupertino

Steve Jobs wasn’t done presenting after he finished the WWDC Keynote on Monday. The next day, at the Cupertino City Council meeting, Steve presented Apple’s plans for a second campus on the office park they purchased down the road from...

Apparently, OS X 10.7 Lion isn’t “For The Rest of Us”

I approached the WWDC Keynote with a bit of apprehension. All indications I’ve seen pointed to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion including many different aspects of iOS. Gestures, Launchpad, full screen apps, the Mac App Store... to me, they were...

Memorial Day 2011 Observed at OWC

OWC is closed today in honor and recognition of Memorial Day. Not just another three day weekend, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance to commemorate the lives given in service to our great nation; parades, speeches, and family observances occur nationwide to honor those thousands of fallen men and women.American Flag, Memorial Day The American Flag just before sunrise today

US Goes Deep Into Space With New Vehicle

So while it appears the U.S. is leaving Low Earth Orbit operations (like the ISS) to the private sector and other countries once the Space Shuttle program is retired later this year, our country is going to "boldly go" into...

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