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How to Get Your Mac Ready for the macOS Mojave Beta

Itching to get your hands on the macOS Mojave beta so you can experience all the new features? There are some very important steps to take before you expose your Mac to any beta software, and when the beta is...

This is What Apple Sends You When You Request Your Data

Privacy is a big topic right now, especially with the European Union's recent move to enforcing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In the European Union, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, anyone can request an immediate download of all of the...

What’s New in macOS Mojave: A First Look at the Developer Beta

I was expecting a version of the macOS that would mostly be about security and performance, but while I expected a fastball, Apple threw us a curve. Apple announced that macOS Mojave not only included the expected security, performance, and privacy...

A Closer Look at the WWDC 2018 Keynote Announcements

Yesterday's announcements at the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) keynote address were remarkable in one aspect: unlike past years, there were absolutely no hardware announcements of any sort. That flew in the face of expectations; many in the Apple blogosphere...

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