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Search Results for: safari

OWC web site on iPad

Welcome iPadders!

It’s been only 5 days since the iPad launch, with one of those days being a holiday, and the iPad has quickly made an impact on OWC’s site traffic by accounting for 1.23% of traffic. Granted, it’s not surprising...

Why I Only Can Use An SSD Drive.

I miss my Solid State Drive (SSD). This past Monday was a sad day... I had to pull my OWC Mercury Extreme Enterprise SSD out of my MacBook Pro and go back to a conventional hard disk drive (HDD). About...

Seeing the Light… the Mac is Good.

I started here at OWC a little over a year ago. I'm a Senior Software architect that has worked primarily in Windows and Linux and have a brother who is a designer that works primarily in Macs. Although I've done...

Apple announces the iPad.

Since at least September (and, really, quite a bit of time before then), rumors and speculation have abounded about Apple's amazing new tablet device. How big was it going to be? What OS would it run? What price points are...

Interview with Apple Gazette’s Kevin Whipps – OWC Radio #8

Kevin Whipps from Apple Gazette joins host Tim Robertson for a very fun conversation including how Kevin first got into Macintosh, his photography passion and business, Eddie Van Halen, his Mac writing, and his impending fatherhood. And no guest is allowed...

November 9, 2005 – Firefox is released.

Four years ago today, Web users everywhere that were looking to escape from the mediocrity of Internet Explorer were treated to the official release of a new browser, Mozilla Firefox. Since then, It has since become one of the most...

Snow Leopard easier to swallow than just a “Service Pack”

I’m a recent Mac convert and loving every minute of it. Do I feel ashamed for ignoring the Windows-based units that are now collecting dust at home? A little bit, but thankfully the guilt is short-term. I’ve been having a...

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