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Search Results for: NAMM

OWC ThunderBlade Earns Editor’s Choice from ‘The SSD Review’

[youtube] (Product Manager A.J. Gerth Talks about the ThunderBlade and other OWC solutions.) Ultra resilient and completely silent, the ThunderBlade is the fastest external drive on the market today. Capable of speeds up to 2800MB/s Read and 2450MB/s Write,...

Commentary: Mac Pro Users Spoke and Apple Listened

The news that Apple is rethinking the development of their flagship Mac Pro reminded me of a quote that Steve Jobs attributed to Henry Ford during the 2000s. It goes something like: "If I’d have asked my customers what they...

OWC Makes MacBooks ‘Pro’ Again With Game-Changing OWC DEC

OWC today announced the OWC DEC, the first-ever expansion solution designed specifically for the 2016 Apple MacBook Pro. The OWC DEC is the finishing touch to a MacBook Pro, allowing users to take their laptops to the next level, extending the...

Win Two Days with the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus at Your School

Since 2014, The NAMM Foundation has invited school districts to create and submit a one-minute student-produced and faculty-advised video on the theme, “What makes music education great in my school district” for consideration to be awarded a residency with the...

OWC Radio #28 – John Lennon Educational Tour Bus

Tim Robertson sits down with Brian and Jeff on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus at NAMM 2015 for an interview. OWC is a sponsor of the bus, and in this episode we learn the mission of both the bus...

OWC and Lennon Bus Team to Present #FunkWithGeorge Twitter Q&A

Have a burning question for George Clinton and Parliament-Funkadelic? OWC and The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus have teamed with the Funkmaster himself for a live Twitter Q&A session at 2 p.m. PST from The NAMM Show on The Lennon Bus! Just tweet...

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