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Search Results for: Look video

Adventures in creating an OctoCore Mac Pro – Part 1

Considerations in Application of a GeoThermal Heat Exchange for Environmental Comfort Following the Upgrade of a MacPro1,1 with Two Over-Clocked Intel X5350 Engineering Samples that Necessitated the Addition of a Water Cooling System or “How I Learned To Stop Worrying...

Apple Proposes New Campus in Cupertino

Steve Jobs wasn’t done presenting after he finished the WWDC Keynote on Monday. The next day, at the Cupertino City Council meeting, Steve presented Apple’s plans for a second campus on the office park they purchased down the road from...

Apparently, OS X 10.7 Lion isn’t “For The Rest of Us”

I approached the WWDC Keynote with a bit of apprehension. All indications I’ve seen pointed to Mac OS X 10.7 Lion including many different aspects of iOS. Gestures, Launchpad, full screen apps, the Mac App Store... to me, they were...

Further Explained: Apple’s iMac 2011 Model Hard Drive ‘Restrictions’

It's incredible the coverage generated by yesterday's blog article on the further iMac upgrade restrictions. I'd like to personally address some questions, context, and provide additional technical detail concerning this issue. I want to be very clear that I think these are absolutely...

Testing: RAID 0 in a MacBook Pro using the Data Doubler.

Among the different configuration options available when using the OWC Data Doubler in your MacBook or MacBook Pro is setting both drives to function as a RAID 0 (striped) array. This combines both drives (the one in the Data Doubler...

OWC Radio #54 – The $3 Word Episode

Another month of news has gone by and there's so much to discuss! The iPad 2 is still not widely available. Apple has cut several products from retail stores. Acer is looking to overhaul their operations to be more like...

Challenger Center Hosts a Family Science Night.

While we seem to have been posting a bunch of space-related stories lately, this one hits a lot closer to home for us - quite literally. OWC has been a big sponsor of the Challenger Learning Center here in Woodstock,...

10.6.7 and Open Type Fonts – A Dangerous Combination

“What do you get when you cross a font geek and the latest Snow Leopard update?” It sounds like the beginning of a really lame joke, but it’s exactly what some of us went through last week after applying the 10.6.7...

Happy Birthday OS X!

Long-time Mac users may remember that Mac OS X 10.0 (Cheetah) was released on this date in 2001, making today OS X’s tenth (or is that Xth?) birthday. While preceded by OS X Server 1.0 and the OS X Public...

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