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Tag Archives: Video

OWC Radio #52 – Education, Publication, Vibration

Has Apple become the Big Brother they rebelled against in 1984? How large should the role of tech be in education? Has internet privacy gone the way of the dodo? Join us as we shake out the answers to these...

Installation videos for the 2010 minis!

Look out, radio stars, because with the number of our highly-acclaimed Instructional Series of videos we’ve been putting up lately, things may be a little hazardous for you. This time around, we’ve got a few videos that a lot of...

New OWC Videos Help Double Your Data!

Between the relative silence regarding new releases and yesterday’s announcement about our victory in the “Meet Me at CES 2011” video contest, you might think we’ve begun to steer away from our Instructional Series of videos. Quite the contrary. Now...

You like us! You really like us!!!

Remember a couple of weeks back, when we asked you to vote for OWC in the “Meet me at CES” video contest? Well, voting wrapped up last Friday and the results are in: We’re one of the winners! As you...

More Installation Videos Popping Up.

It’s sure been a while since we talked about our OWC Instructional Series of videos. That doesn’t mean we’re not still cranking them out, though. In fact, we just put a couple more up today. Now, with the help of...

What a Mac-loving Son gets his Mac-loving Dad

A frequent topic of my articles in the OWC Blog center around my adventures in keeping my dad’s Mac mini up and running. As we’re in the Father’s Day season, I think it’s only appropriate that I put together a...

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