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Starting a Twitter Trend: #TFTL

As just one of our many ways to connect and communicate with customers at OWC, we dove into the deep end of the “social marketing” Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube pools earlier this year as well with the unveiling of and commitment to this blog.

As I am the “man behind the curtain” persona of @macsales on Twitter, I’ve become somewhat of a Twitterholic. That being said, I have no plans of posting random thoughts such as my affinity for Take and Bake meals from Two Tails Market & Eatery.

Rather, what I’ve found other Tweeps to be thankful for are Tweets from us on new product announcements, insights to overlooked features on existing products or even new uses for those products, special price deals, independent product reviews, and facilitating customer service related needs.

The Tweets we are thankful for are the daily recommendations and praise OWC/macsales gets. I’ve visited other users Twitter profiles so I could personally thank them at their website. One person actually then Tweeted that thanking him was a classy act. Ever since that comment, I’ve been trying to come up with a consistent and significant way we could recognize these Tweets and perhaps introduce these folks to other Tweeps.

Additionally, I wanted to come up with a phrase or hashtag that could become as widely used as #FollowFriday or #FF for short. While it would be cool for OWC to be credited as the founder of a Twitter Trend, what would be most gratifying is to see this become THE hashtag used anytime someone wants to Tweet their appreciation for an act of kindness from any source.

So with great hope and positive intentions surrounding this sentiment, I give you Thanks For The Love or #TFTL. While OWC/macsales is well known for high performance, high quality products and a dedication to serving the customer that is second to none, I wanted to make sure we’re also known for truly appreciating our customers loyalty and trust in the form of a Tweet and that #TFTL is just one small way we can “pay it forward” in the world.

So go ahead…make someone’s day…tell them #TFTL.

Rocket Yard Contributor
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  • “While it would be cool for OWC to be credited as the founder of a Twitter Trend, what would be most gratifying is to see this become THE hashtag used anytime someone wants to Tweet their appreciation for an act of kindness from any source.”
    Intresting. I would like details!

    • Well…the details would be anytime you want to thank someone for a decent act, just use the hashtag….which is the # symbol…and then after it put TFTL….so #TFTL.