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Rocket Yard


This is for all of the random, off the top of your head kind of blog post.

“Warp Drive” Not as Far-fetched as Originally Thought.

The trouble with interstellar travel is that (as one of the most notable authorities on the subject put it) “Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.” With the nearest extrasolar star (Proxima...

After 35 Years of Travel, Voyager Still Going Strong

Thirty-five years ago this week, Voyager 1 was launched. Its mission—along with its sister craft, Voyager 2 (which, interestingly enough, was launched two weeks earlier)—was to explore the outer reaches of our solar system and the beginnings of interstellar space....

Beam on Over to Google For Star Trek’s 46th Anniversary

On the off-chance that you haven’t seen it yet, head over to Google’s main page. To celebrate Star Trek’s 46th Anniversary, today’s Google Doodle is not only a cartoon of the original series cast in Google letter form, clicking highlighted...

Want to Win a OWC Mercury Solid State Drive?

If you're going to the Flash Memory Summit starting tomorrow and running through Thursday the 23rd at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, California, you very well could have an OWC Mercury SSD to call your very own....

Even Apple’s Packaging is Easier to Use.

It’s a fair bet that most people who read the OWC Blog have—at one time or another—opened a brand new device from Apple. If you have, you know the amount of detail that goes into the packaging of everything Apple...

The Greatness Of Passion

Passion. The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel once said, "Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion." Steve Jobs often spoke about "having a passion for one's products", however, he was not the only man of...

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