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Search Results for: ipad pro

Installation Videos Still in Production.

What with all the excitement of new iPhone, the release of the iPad, a redesigned Mac mini, new MacBooks, new product releases, and  price drops galore, you'd think we'd given up on our highly-acclaimed Installation Series of videos. Au contraire,...

AT&T Makes iPad 3G Lose Its Luster

Apple has made one heckuva product in the iPad. Anyone that I’ve demoed my iPad Wi-Fi simply wants one within a minute of actually using the sleek device. The iPad 3G equips the iPad with 3G wireless internet that was...

OWC’s Famous Monthly Garage Sale Now In Progress

Now that May is fully underway, it was high time we took a breather from introducing some insanely great new OWC and NewerTech brand products for Macs/PCs as well as for the iPad and did our monthly ‘warehouse cleaning’. Open...

Love it or Hate it – Apple iPad Case

As I am getting ready to film some OWC TV spots on our offerings of iPad cases, I decided to ask my Twitter followers, as well as a few people in person, what they like/dislike about the iPad case Apple sells.

One Week Of Living With The iPad

Instant gratification can be exhilarating...but like first impressions, they often leave you wanting more or a deeper insight. So while others on blogs, sites, forums, etc. rode this introduction like a firehose rodeo, we thought we might wait a bit...


iPad… Multi-Touch Taken For Granted

Back in 2007, I wrote an Executive Review of the iPhone that stated the device could possibly foretell the “Future of Computing”. After three generations of iPhones, two generations of iPod Touch, and the forthcoming iPad, I do think my...

President Obama Aborts NASA’s Constellation Program

In case you've been a bit distracted by the iPad, there was another important upcoming launch that was aborted on the pad so to speak. NASA's Constellation program aimed at transporting humans (the regular kind like you and me...not just...

The Apple iPad, Casual Home Computing Untethered

I was out last night and someone asked me what I thought about the Apple iPad, saying that they thought of it as a great new mobile computer. I stated back that I didn't really think of it as being...

Apple Recalls Marketing 101 With iPad Name

While others here in the halls of OWC and others in the blogosphere grouse about the name iPad for Apple's new device, it only makes sense to me. Apple products are as much about the message and the marketing as...

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