OWC is closed today in honor and recognition of Memorial Day. In service to these United States of America, thousands have given their lives protecting and preserving that Freedom and Liberty for which she stands. Today we honor and commemorate our fallen with parades, speeches, and family observances.
This solemn day of remembrance was originally designated in 1868 to be recognized each year on the 30th of May. In 1971 Congress passed legislation to change the recognized day to instead fall on the last Monday of each May, effectively making it part of a three-day weekend. With respect to what this day is about, I do believe and without regard to a weekend or last Monday of a month, that this 1971 legislation should be undone. A great source of information on this important day and its history is the website www.USMemorialDay.org.

OWC proudly flies an American Flag at our headquarters in Woodstock, IL and now in our new Austin, TX location as well. In compliance with Memorial Day decorum, it has been my personal honor to set our flag to half-mast at sunrise and then restore it to full mast at noon. With two locations, I will be continuing the tradition in our Austin location while our Woodstock location will be carried out by local resident Russel Allen accompanied by his son-in-law Ryan O’Connor, an OWC team member and former US Marine. Mr. Allen served as technician in the US Army’s 3rd Armored and 2nd Armored Cavalry divisions from 1962 to 1965, stationed on the border between East and West Germany during the height of the cold-war.

When asked about why he chose to serve, Mr. Allen recalled two statements of then president of the United States John F. Kennedy that motivated him to serve. “The torch has been passed to a new generation tempered by the cold and bitter peace” and “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Mr Allen added… “I was part of that generation and I could serve, so I did.”
OWC honors those that have served, serve today, and those who continue in the cause of upholding our nations ideals and the freedoms of her citizens.
The entire OWC team takes its responsibility to our members of the Armed Forces very seriously and we support their efforts far beyond honoring those who have lost their lives.

Words can hardly convey our thanks for Freedom and Liberty that they have protected with their lives. That we all have our choice of words and expressed opinions speaks to what they have accomplished. We remember and never forget those who paid the ultimate price for our Freedom with a moment of silence and the playing of Taps at 3pm local time.
Our sincere thanks and gratitude goes out to all those serving today and those who have served in our Armed Forces across time. We remember and honor all and always those that have fallen in the line of duty. On this day and everyday.
What’s more? It’s the little things throughout that can make a difference. When you see a member of our Armed Forces, consider walking over and saying thank you. For all the words we can say, this action can mean the world to those serving and protecting ours.

Your description of your observance of Memorial Day moved me deeply. Thank you.