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OWC Mark C

OWC Mark C
123 posts
Content Marketing Manager
A creative by nature, Mark is a writer, programmer, web developer, musician, culinary craftsman, and interpersonal artisan. He loves the outdoors because greenspace is to the soul as whitespace is to the written word. He does not like Diophantine geometry or mosquitos. Most everything else is okay. Oh yeah, he is also the managing editor of the Rocket Yard blog.
woodstok willie groundhog day

Woodstock Willie, Groundhog Prognostication, and an Early Spring

This February 2, 2021, at 7:07 AM CT, Woodstock Willie, the seer of seers, the prognosticator of prognosticators, emerged reluctantly—and a bit grouchily, I must say—to greet his faithful followers. Willie looked skyward to the east, and then behind to...

Top Thunderbolt Questions

Top 14 Questions People Ask About Thunderbolt Answered

Admittedly, this Thunderbolt article has an odd title. But it's not random... Keith Shively and I meet every-other Friday to discuss how the blog is doing. We go over more statistics than you can imagine – what the traffic patterns...

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