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Rocket Yard

App Review

OS X Application and iOS App Reviews by OWC

Multiplayer RPG, All By Yourself?

Last Saturday was Gary Gygax Day, so in remembrance of Mr. Gygax I tried to find something light and fun that still had deep roots in the old Dungeon & Dragons ways. This wonderful title hits that fairly well, with its party based monster clearing, item gathering, boss crushing ways. Pack up your swords and axes ladies and gents, it’s time...

An Adventure for the Senses!

Superbrothers: Sword and Sworcery EP is an absolutely mind-boggling sensory overload with heavy emphasis on dragging every bit of my psyche into this game. A near blissful experience wrapped in an 8-bit candy coated shell that will likely take you...

Happy Birthday App Store!

It’s been five whole years since the App Store launched, and going from mere hundreds to nearly a million apps. Apple has decided to make five awesome titles free, for a limited time.  Typically I tear a game to pieces...

Abraham Lincoln: Pixel Hunter

I'd like to say I consider myself pretty good at platformers. Smashed Contra, plowed through Ghouls’n Ghosts, even made short work of Battletoads (yes with using the mega warps). So when I saw Random Heroes, I had to dive in...

Gotta Seal’em All, Gotta Seal’em All!

Those of you who have met me will realize I’m a geek. A huge geek. Some may even go as far as to say I’m a bionic geek, built from parts of lesser geeks. And with that, growing up, I...

Slip ‘n’ Slide Fun, With Some Not So Edible Pudding

This time around, we slide into another puzzle title from ZeptoLab with a less reflex-intensive title than their other great title Cut the Rope. So let’s get our flubber on, and play some Pudding Monsters!  Ok, this game is cute. Downright adorable. But...

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