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Rocket Yard


Anything about OWC green efforts. Wind turbine, turtle crossing, edible packaging, etc.

Every Day is Earth Day at OWC

Every Day is Earth Day at OWC April 22, 2010, marks the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day environmental awareness observation in 1970. But at OWC, we like to think of every day as Earth Day in a very real way. As OWC staff members arrive at work each day, we begin our “Green” day by driving into the...

2009 – The OWC Year in Review

The end of 2009 is upon us.  In a few short hours we'll be counting down to the new year with family and friends and it just seems appropriate to look back upon the last year with a little nostalgia....

OWC Turbine is now online and operational.

OWC got a little greener today. Our new Vestas V39 Wind Turbine went online today and is now generating the electricity needed to run the OWC corporate facility, including its datacenter, with plenty of energy to spare, which will be...

Hold on to your hats, it’s windy out there.

There's quite a bit of wind blowing around the OWC facilities here in Woodstock, and not all of it is coming out of our Marketing Department. Fortunately, we can put that wind to good use. As part of our ongoing...

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