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Rocket Yard

OWC News

Anything in the news category relating to OWC.

Every Day is Earth Day at OWC

Every Day is Earth Day at OWC April 22, 2010, marks the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day environmental awareness observation in 1970. But at OWC, we like to think of every day as Earth Day in a very real way. As OWC staff members arrive at work each day, we begin our “Green” day by driving into the...

Riding the RAM Rollercoaster

Last August, OWC Larry wrote about how memory prices were just coming off of a low price point and would be going up soon. As so often happens when Larry talks about memory prices, he was right on target. If...

OWC web site on iPad

Welcome iPadders!

It’s been only 5 days since the iPad launch, with one of those days being a holiday, and the iPad has quickly made an impact on OWC’s site traffic by accounting for 1.23% of traffic. Granted, it’s not surprising...

Delivering Excellence One Customer At A Time

OWC Late Ship: Keeps your essential business and home systems running with new Late Ship hours. Did you know that OWC now offers later order fulfillment hours and three new guaranteed "Late Ship" service offerings to our customers? Recently, through...

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