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Rocket Yard

Tech Tips

Tech tips and how to’s. All the great, timeless reference articles we have.

OWC Install Videos now in iTunes

When I was a young child, my father worked in an auto-parts store, and he would regularly bring home broken or defective auto-parts for me to take apart. Most of the time, these parts were dirty, oily, and smelly things that a day before had been on a car or truck. I didn't care, I just wanted to figure out...

Don’t Let the Cold Put A Chill On Your Hard Drive

With the cold weather upon us, it makes sense to touch on a topic that few consider…bringing a hard drive up to room temperature – or at least operating temperature parameters – before using. Any fluid can freeze if it...

Make sure your backup strategy is protecting you.

We talk a lot about backing up around here; I'd say it has been the third-most popular topic here on the OWC Blog, behind memory upgrades and price specials. In fact, OWC Mike H. posted a piece about backing up...

How to add a Globally Recognized Avatar to your email address.

You've probably noticed that while many OWC blog posters and followers have a picture or some other avatar associated with their name, others just have a blank silhouette head next to their names. Have you been wondering how to personalize...

Become a Backup Evangelist

Computers do more than just connect people to the Internet cloud of web pages, e-mail, faces of book, and the birds of Twitter. Digital devices like iPods and digital cameras changed how we all listen to music, watch video, take...

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