Earlier this spring there was a rumor revin’ up that there might be a weekly Cruise Night coming to Woodstock soon.
I love the idea because since the local town over, Crystal Lake, stopped theirs a year or so ago, there isn’t a cruise night within an hours drive.
And who wants to drive an hour away to be able to enjoy their own car or mingle with others who have a passion for for the same things?
The best part about this rumor is that it’s partly true…its first night of possibly many more is being hosted by a great coffee, tea, and smoothie place right off of Rte. 14.
Yep, Java Planet Coffee and Internet Cafe is hosting a classic car show Tuesday, June 9, from 6PM to 9PM.
So all those passer-by’s on busy Rte 14 will get some dessert in the form of eye candy before pulling in to – as OWC Grant puts it, “drink then drool”.
I greatly enjoy bringing my toys to the annual car show held on the historic Woodstock square every August, but if this other local show at Java Planet turns into a weekly Cruise Night, that will really provide a more regular way for me and other enthusiasts to enjoy our hobby.
Another benefit is that it won’t be in the historic square, so no one has to be concerned about bothering in-town residents or others that don’t appreciate car shows.
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I am trying to find an old car for a wedding that is taking place across the street from the Woodstock Inn to drive the couple from the church in Woodstock to the Queeche Club around 5pm on Saturday, July 10th. I have been trying to search for someone in the area that might be willing to have us rent it for an hour. Please advise. Thank you